EID Robotics is a developer of automation solutions and a trusted partner to international companies. Our clients value our out-of-the-box thinking in advanced manufacturing, which manifests itself as innovation. This is because we craft production-enhancing robotic solutions out of different technologies. We have carried out client-specific automation for various industries, for example electronic, plastic and medical device industries.
About us
A trusted partner to international companies
“Our expertise in robotics allows companies to improve
their operational efficiency and competitiveness.”
Our advanced robotic solutions are combined with turnkey services, which provide clients with world-class expertise, innovative technology, and processes that can help you to manufacture your products profitably and easily. Our latest industrial innovation, the ANT Plant manufacturing concept, has enabled the profitable manufacturing of the highest quality products at local plants.
“The brand, which is based on quality and local work, is a sustainable competitive advantage that makes it possible to run a profitable business.”
Thanks to our innovative culture, out-of-the-box thinking in applying technologies, a lean approach to management, and advanced tech experience, we at EID Robotics believe that Everything Is Doable – together.
Looking for an easy and profitable concept for manufacturing?
Founded 2009
Former name: EID Tech
Located in Finland and USA
Our mission and vision
Our mission is to challenge the manufacturing of mass products in low labor-cost countries and bring manufacturing back home. Our vision is to be the best-in-industry partner – one that leading international companies trust with their manufacturing processes and maintenance of their products.
We also want to improve local welfare everywhere in the world where the turnkey ANT Plant manufacturing concept is adopted. Local manufacturing, along with its supplier network, produces employment and tax revenues. We support our clients’ sustainable development goals because our robotic solutions are energy-efficient and sustainable.
Why we are like an ant?
We are like an ant that offers its plant vitality, opportunities for growth and security. We promise to do our part as your partner in keeping your business healthy and making your brand successful also in the future.
Looking for an easy and profitable concept for manufacturing?
ANT Plant is suitable for companies that want to produce high-quality products close to their clients.
We have also carried out client-specific automation for various industries.
We would love to hear from you.