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During the past year, we have completed several automation projects for Finnish as well as international customers. Close partnerships and customer relationships have strengthened our position as a top automation supplier on the Nordic market.

We have learned a lot what we need for growth, especially profitable growth.  We have paid our dues for the learning this year, but I’m also happy to state that we have also become ready for the next step of growth. We will carry out our strategy even more carefully and base our supply on the modulated ANT Plant manufacturing concept, which has already been found good.

During the past year, we have had further steps in development with our ANT Plant manufacturing concept, especially with technical interfaces. The automation solutions based on it have produced significant added value for the business operations of our customers. We strongly believe in comprehensive, user-friendly automation solutions that leverage Industrial Internet (IoT), big data and capabilities they bring to the advanced manufacturing. We are a forerunner in comprehensive and user-friendly automation solutions, and we wish to keep it so in the future as well.

It is now time to thank our entire staff for their unyielding work for our shared goals. Without a committed top team and world-class experts, our journey toward taking over the world would be rocky.

I also wish to thank our customers and cooperation partners for their cooperation during the past year. Have a merry Christmas and a successful new year.

Paavo Käkelä, CEO & the people of EID Robotics